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for Ana de Almeida
Ana de Almeida
for Ana de Almeida

Ana de Almeida

geb. 1987 in Prag, Tschechien
lebt und arbeitet in Wien

Nach ihrem Studium der Malerei an der Fakultät der bildenden Künste der Universität Lissabon und der Medienkunst am Kunstinstitut in Lahti setzte sie ihr Studium in Wien fort, wo sie mit
einem Stipendium der Calouste Gulbenkian Stiftung einen Master in Critical Studies an der Akademie der bildenden Künste abschloss. Sie ist Mitglied des Künstler_innenkollektivs , der VBKÖ und des Interndinner-Kollektivs gegen die Prekarisierung der Arbeit im Kulturbereich.

In ihrer Praxis beschäftigt sich de Almeida mit Prozessen des Erinnerns aus einer soziopolitischen Perspektive, mit der Überschneidung von Familienerzählungen und makropolitischen Ereignissen sowie mit Prozessen der Privatisierung von Geschichte. Nach ihrem Studium der Malerei an der Fakultät der bildenden Künste der Universität Lissabon und der Medienkunst am Kunstinstitut in Lahti setzte sie ihr Studium in Wien fort, wo sie mit einem Stipendium der Calouste Gulbenkian Stiftung einen Master in Critical Studies an der Akademie der bildenden Künste abschloss. Sie ist Mitglied des Künstler_innenkollektivs , der VBKÖ und des Interndinner-Kollektivs gegen die Prekarisierung der Arbeit im Kulturbereich.

Ausstellungen und Projekte (Auswahl):

Ensaio sobre a Gordura, solo exhibition at CAV, Centro de Artes Visuais, Coimbra, Portugal
and so on, group exhibition curated by Kathy Cho at das weisse haus In collaboration with Vienna Art Week, Vienna, Austria
What is Left to Steal, Research Lab by at the Donaufestival in Krems, Austria
Nova. Future thoughts on surviving together, Larp run together with Alicja
Rogalska and Vanja Smiljanic at Temporary Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Bezirksstarren, group exhibition with Leo Mayr, Lydia Lechner and Jakub Vrba at the Simmering District Museum (Wiener Bezirksmuseum 11. Simmering) Vienna
From Fat and the City / Z tuku a města, solo exhibition at DUÚL, House of Arts Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Cybernetics of the Poor, group exhibition curated by Diedrich Diederichsen and Oier Etxebarria at Kunsthalle Wien, Austria
Cybernetics of the Poor, group exhibition curated by Diedrich Diederichsen and Oier Etxebarria at Tabakalera, International Centre for Contemporary Culture Donostía – San Sebastián, Spain
Exercises in Impossibility, exhibition by Ana de Almeida and Alicja Rogalska at VBKÖ Vienna, Austria
Carnations and Velvet - Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia, group exhibition curated by Adelaide Ginga and Sandra Baborovska at GHMP - Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic
Translocal Scores, group exhibition curated by Simonetta Ferfoglia, Heinrich Pichler and Ruby Sircar at Project Space Gumpendorferstrasse 6 Vienna, Austria
Haus Wittgenstein - Art, architecture and philosophy. Exhibition curated by Nuno Crespo for MAAT - Museum of Art Architecture and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal
Inhabited Projections, solo exhibition at FAK - Förderverein aktuelle Kunst Münster, Germany
No. 90 at ICA - Institute for Contemporary Art Yerevan, Armenia
Archipelago Mountain, exhibition by Ana de Almeida and Stephanie Misa at Galerie 5020 Salzburg, Austria. With: Meriç Algün, Ana de Almeida, Martha Atienza, Ann Böttcher, Amy Croft, Sara Deraedt, Isidora Krstić and Stephanie Misa. Salzburg, Austria
No. 89 , participation in Ales Pushkin’s Kupale Art Festival in Bobr, Belarus
No. 86 workshop and lecture by Ana de Almeida, Ludwig Kittinger and Phelim McConigly for Curating Exchange 6 at Press to Exit Project Space, Skopje, Macedonia
No. 84 Kozánow In Search for the Miraculous. Project of the European Cultural Capital Wroclaw, installation work, collaboration with Ludwig Kittinger, Fernando Mesquita, Sophie Thun and Dorota Walentynowicz. Wroclaw, Poland
Business, series of animated short films about self-exploitation and working conditions in the cultural field. A project by Ana de Almeida and Jakub Vrba.
The Collective Archive installation and performance at Die Schneiderei art space, Vienna, Austria.
Project development period at Bildetage, Barichgasse 6/1 1030 Vienna, Austria
Curator’s Network, group show at Matadero, curated by Bori Szalai and Anca Mihulet. Madrid, Spain
Project residency at the Gdanska Miesta Galeria, a collaboration between the City Gallery of Gdansk and , a program by Ludwig Kittinger and Fernando Mesquita. Gdansk, Poland
Local artist at Studios das Weisse Haus, Vienna, Austria
Little Bit of History Deleting, group show curated by Isin Önol at GLP Contemporary Gallery, Vienna, Austria
Uniforma, solo exhibition for the LuftSteuer Show Window Project, at Miss Baltazar's Laboratory. Vienna, Austria
The Intransigent Ticket, group exhibition at the Fine Arts Gallery, California State University Los Angeles, USA
Realities & Togetherness, group exhibition at the 0gms Gallery Sofia, Bulgaria
Screening of The Fox Den at Exkursion: Kino film program, mumok kino, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Austria
Trinomial, solo exhibition at V.esch (Verein für Raum und Form in der bildenden Kunst) Vienna, Austria
FIRMA, project by Ana de Almeida and Jakub Vrba. Finland (several locations) and Vienna, Austria
BLOCKTV, online TV broadcast; project by Ana de Almeida and Jakub Vrba. Linz, Austria
Guided Tour, radio project at Radio FRO, Linz, Austria
NEHMC, solo exhibition at Sala Bebé (Espaço Avenida 211), Lisbon, Portugal
O Intervalo Entre Pesos, group exhibition at Espaço Avenida 211, Lisbon, Portugal
7 Artes, group exhibition at Gallery Francisco Tojal, Lisbon, Portugal

Preise und Stipendien:
2022-2025 ÖAW DOC-Team Doctoral Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (together with Lena Ditte Nissen and Elif Süsler-Rohringer)
2021 Staatsstipendium Medienkunst - Austrian State Grant for Media Arts
2020 Working Grant by the City of Vienna, Austria
2017 – 2019 Junior Fellowship at IFK - International Research Centre for Cultural Studies in Vienna, Austria
2018 Project grant by the Austrian Chancellery for Art and Culture
2017 Travel grant European Cultural Foundation STEP Beyond
2015 Project grant by the Austrian Chancellery for Art and Culture
2012 Awarded with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s grant for Professional Specialization and Valorization in Arts Abroad, Portugal
2011 Winner of the BES Revelação Art Prize. Serralves Foundation and Museum for Contemporary Art, Oporto, Portugal
2011 Working Grant by the City of Vienna, Austria
2010 LinzEXPOrt grant awarded by Linz Kultur for FIRMA, collab. with Jakub Vrba. Additional support by Wien Kultur, FRAME – Finnish Fund for Art Exchange and the Arts Council of Finland
2010 LINZimPULS grant awarded by Linz Kultur for BLOCKTV, collab. with Jakub Vrba
Person TypeKünstlerin